
Hedge Fund Jobs in Texas

Texas Hedge Fund Jobs

Looking for a hedge fund job in Texas? Below is a partial list of hedge funds in Texas that are currently or have recently been hiring employees. The list below includes 10 of the 27 known hedge funds that are currently hiring in Texas. Or get a complete list of hedge funds in Texas, including which funds are hiring.

Company Name City State Website
Baker Avenue Alternative Asset Management Irving TX www.bakerave.com
Bares Capital Management Austin TX www.barescapital.com
Blue Lion Capital Dallas TX www.bluelioncap.com
Corriente Advisors Fort Worth TX www.corrientecapital.com
Dimensional Fund Advisors Austin TX www.dfaus.com
Fortress Investment Group Irving TX www.fortress.com
Frontier Investment Management Dallas TX www.frontierinvest.com
GSO Capital Partners Houston TX www.gsocap.com
Hayman Capital Management Dallas TX www.haymancapitalmanagement.com
Hodges Capital Management Dallas TX www.hodgescapital.com

The above list shows 10 of the 27 hedge funds currently seeking employees in Texas. Get the complete list at www.hedgefundjoblist.com. They are an invaluable resource for finding hedge fund jobs.

Also be sure to check out this discount code.


Swiss Franc Spike Causes Hedge Fund Failures

In a world where hedge funds crowd the market in semi-liquid or illiquid investments, it should come as little surprise when a sharp spike or decline in a given asset leads to significant losses for a large number of funds. Even more so when such an investment is made in a so-called "low-risk investment". Queue the spike in the Swiss Franc. Apparently hedge fund managers are not all ready to accept that the obvious: the riskiness of an asset is based as much on the investors as the investment itself. And when short-term investors crowd the market for an otherwise low-risk asset it can become high-risk almost overnight.

On January 15th the USD/CHF was trading at 1.02. By the next day it was trading at .85. An almost unheard of spike of over 15% for a traditionally somewhat stable currency. And many hedge funds, we found out, were short the Franc.

According to Forbes, a couple of the big losers in the trade are London-based COMAC and Everest Capital in Florida. And yet the greater irony may be that COMAC, which claims to only have lost 10% on the year, is closing down its global macro fund. Why? Surely 10% losses shouldn't neccessitate such a draconian move. Except that high-water marks and incentive fees now mean that the managers of that fund have a lot of work to do to start earning their fees. And apparently its a whole lot easier to just start over.


Hedge Fund Jobs in London/UK

Hedge Funds in London Currently Hiring
Below is a partial list of hedge funds in London and the UK that are currently hiring. The list below is only the first 10 out of more than 45 hedge funds with current job openings in London. You can view all hedge funds that are currently hiring by purchasing the UK Hedge Fund List. They just added a feature which show which of the more than 900 UK hedge funds on their list are actively seeking employees at the current time.

Company Name City Website
36 South Capital Advisors London www.bakerave.com
AGFE London www.barescapital.com
Alphadyne Asset Management London www.bluelioncap.com
Arrowgrass Capital Partners London www.corrientecapital.com
Balyasny Europe Asset Management London www.dfaus.com
Beach Point Capital Management London www.fortress.com
Black River Asset Management Surrey www.frontierinvest.com
BlackRock Investment Management UK London www.gsocap.com
BlueBay Asset Management London www.haymancapitalmanagement.com
Bluefin Companies London www.hodgescapital.com

HedgeLists downloadable hedge fund lists let you view which hedge funds are currently hiring, in addition to more than 30 other categories of information.

Don't forget to try the special discount code.

Hedge Fund Jobs in New York

New York Hedge Fund Jobs
Looking for a hedge fund job in New York? Below is a partial list of hedge funds in New York that are currently or have recently been hiring employees. The list below includes 20 of the more than 140 known hedge funds that are currently hiring in New York. Or get a complete list of hedge funds in New York, including which funds are hiring.

Company Name City State Website
Academy Investment Management LLC New York NY www.academy-im.com
Alden Global Capital New York NY https://www.aldenglobal.com/
Alkeon Capital Management New York NY www.alkeoncapital.com
Allen Global Partners New York NY www.allenglobalpartners.com
Alphadyne Asset Management New York NY www.adyne.com
Amida Capital Management New York NY www.amidapartners.com
Angelo Gordon & Co. New York NY www.angelogordon.com
Apollo Investment Corporation New York NY www.apolloic.com
Archer Capital Management New York NY www.archercm.com
Archview Investment Group New York NY www.archviewlp.com
ArcLight Capital Partners New York NY www.arclightcapital.com
Arrowgrass Capital Partners New York NY www.arrowgrass.com
Atalaya Capital Management LP New York NY www.atalayacap.com
Atreaus Capital New York NY www.atreauscapital.com
Aurelius Capital Management New York NY www.aurelius-cm.com
Axonic Capital LLC New York NY www.axoniccap.com
Balyasny Asset Management New York NY www.bam-us.com
Basswood Capital Management New York NY www.basswoodpartners.com
Beach Point Capital Management New York NY www.beachpointcapital.com
Beech Hill Partners New York NY http://www.bh-adv.com

The above list shows 20 of the 140+ hedge funds currently seeking employees in New York. Get the complete list at www.hedgefundjoblist.com. They are an invaluable resource for finding hedge fund jobs.

Also be sure to check out this discount code.

Hedge Fund Jobs in Boston, MA

Boston Hedge Fund Jobs
Looking for a hedge fund job in Boston? Below is a partial list of hedge funds in Boston that are currently or have recently been hiring employees. The list below includes 10 of the 25 known hedge funds that are currently hiring in Boston. Or get a complete list of hedge funds in Boston, including which funds are hiring.

Company Name City State Website
Abrams Capital Boston MA https://investors.abramscapital.com/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdefault.aspx
Altimeter Capital Boston MA www.altimetercapital.com
Anchor Capital Advisors Boston MA www.anchorcapital.com
ArcLight Capital Partners Boston MA www.arclightcapital.com
Arrowstreet Capital Boston MA www.arrowstreetcapital.com
Avondale Partners Boston MA www.avondaleonline.com
Baring Asset Management Boston MA www.baring-asset-us.com
Batterymarch Financial Management Boston MA www.batterymarch.com
Convexity Capital Management Boston MA www.convexitycapital.com
Crestwood Advisors Boston MA www.crestwoodadvisors.com

The above list shows 10 of the 25 hedge funds currently seeking employees in Boston. Get the complete list at www.hedgefundjoblist.com. They are an invaluable resource for finding hedge fund jobs.

Also be sure to check out this discount code.

Hedge Fund Jobs in Illinois

Chicago, IL Hedge Fund Jobs

Looking for a hedge fund job in Illinois? Below is a partial list of hedge funds in Illinois that are currently or have recently been hiring employees. The list below includes 10 of the 24 known hedge funds that are currently hiring in Chicago and Illinois in general. Or get a complete list of hedge funds in Illinois, including which funds are hiring.

Company Name City State Website
Advisory Research Chicago IL www.advisoryresearch.com
Aurora Investment Management Chicago IL www.aurorallc.com
Balyasny Asset Management Chicago IL www.bamfunds.com
Bluefin Companies Chicago IL http://www.bluefintrading.com/
Calamos Investments Naperville IL www.calamos.com
Citadel Investment Group Chicago IL www.citadelgroup.com
Columbia Capital Management Chicago IL www.columbiacapital.com
Core Capital Management Chicago IL www.corecap.com
Evanston Capital Management Evanston IL www.evanstoncap.com
FIS Group Chicago IL www.fisgroup.com

The above list shows 10 of the 24 hedge funds currently seeking employees in Illinois. Get the complete list at www.hedgefundjoblist.com. They are an invaluable resource for finding hedge fund jobs.

Also be sure to check out this discount code.

Hedge Fund Jobs In California

California Hedge Fund Jobs 2015
Looking for a hedge fund job in California? Below is a partial list of hedge funds in California that are currently or have recently been hiring employees. The list below includes 20 of the 85 known hedge funds that are currently hiring in California. Or get a complete list of hedge funds in California, including which funds are hiring.

Company Name City State Website
Accuvest Global Advisors Walnut Creek CA www.accuvest.net
Aetos Capital Menlo Park CA www.aetoscapital.com
Algert Coldiron Investors San Francisco CA www.acinvestors.net
Altegris Investments San Diego CA www.altegris.com
Archer Capital Management Beverly Hills CA www.archercm.com
Ashfield & Co., Inc. San Francisco CA https://www.ashfield.com/
Aviance Capital Management Los Angeles CA http://www.aviancecapital.com
Avondale Partners Sausalito CA www.avondaleonline.com
Avondale Partners San Diego CA www.avondaleonline.com
AXA Investment Management LLC Orinda CA www.axarosenberg.com
Baker Avenue Alternative Asset Management San Francisco CA www.bakerave.com
Baring Asset Management San Francisco CA www.baring-asset-us.com
Beach Point Capital Management Santa Monica CA www.beachpointcapital.com
Bernzott Capital Advisors Camarillo CA www.bernzott.com
Black River Asset Management San Mateo CA www.black-river.com
BlackRock, Inc. San Francisco CA www.blackrock.com
Cabezon Capital Markets San Francisco CA http://cabezoncapital.com
Camden Capital Management El Segundo CA www.camdencapital.com
Canyon Capital Advisors Beverly Hills CA www.canyonpartners.com
Canyon Capital Advisors Los Angeles CA www.canyonpartners.com

The above list shows 20 of the 85 hedge funds currently seeking employees in California. Get the complete list at www.hedgefundjoblist.com. They are an invaluable resource for finding hedge fund jobs.

Also be sure to check out this discount code.

Discount Codes: Hedge Fund Contacts

Below is a discount/coupon code for the hedge fund contact database at www.hedgefundcontacts.com:

20% off discount code: 98JDN8347VF

The coupon code was confirmed to be valid at the time of writing of this post.

Discount Codes: HedgeLists.com

Below is a discount/coupon code for any hedge fund list over $60 from HedgeLists.com:

15% off coupon at www.hedgelists.com: jk89c34

This coupon code was still valid and operational as of the writing of this post.

Discount Codes: HedgeFundJobList.com

Below is a discount/coupon code for hedge fund lists from www.hedgefundjoblist.com:

10% off discount code: hfbg10drt

This coupon code was still valid at the time of writing of this post.
